About me
Get to know me, my work and my CV
About me
Mi name is Núria Molina and art have always been my means of expression . Looking back, I feel that in me I learned that through art I was able to connect and express my feelings, emotions and ideas. It was my way of relating to the world
This relationship with art led me to become a visual artist and designer, but I felt the need to integrate more languages. Thus I found transdisciplinary art therapy, therapeutic theatre (Psychodrama), mindfulness, the theoretical basis of systemic trauma, body language through bioenergetics and somatics and Transpersonal Psychology.

Mi work
The work I propose from Systemic Trauma helps to develop a compassionate look at one's own life story. We will start with the observation of the link with one's own Transgenerational line, the Birth Trauma, the Attachment Wounds and the traces of abandonment. All this conditions our relationships, the way we face our day-to-day life and our life impulse.
Art can connect with need and possibilities. To trace, to find obstacles, to experience the pleasure of creating, to play without judgment, without expecting anything in return. The ascertainment of an innate and universal “organic memory”, which expresses itself through free and spontaneous drawing. It is not an experience limited to childhood: there are no limitations..

Recapitulate processes
To recapitulate means to rework the chapters of life that have remained blocked and prevent you from moving forward. To review where we have trapped emotions in order to heal them definitively, returning the energy trapped in other people and situations and thus also collecting our vital energy: that which we lost in other people and places.
It is about feeling that which affected us and continues to affect us to finally free ourselves from attachments. Not only concepts and emotions, but also healing the memory of cells in our brain that have stored all the information of our own crises, traumas and blockages. A necessary liberation to assume who we are and act accordingly, leaving behind the patterns that have made us suffer and begin to walk with confidence, with joy, with all our energy, using our own qualities that allow us to find our way and be happy.
Everything is energy and ours is necessary to move forward in every way. Without energy, we cannot change our attitude to transform our life.
My curriculum

Master's Degree in Transdisciplinary Art Therapy Iatba endorsed by the EGS (European Graduate School, headquartered in Switzerland). 2006, and the specialisation in the profession of Art Therapy in 2012.
Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Postgraduate in Sensory Theatre at the University of Girona (UG).
Diploma in Systemic Traumatherapy for Children and Adolescents (neurobiology studies and trauma processes) at IFIV. Red Apega, formación dirigida por el Neuropsoquiatra Jorge Barudy & Ps. Maryorie Dantagnan.

Formación en Educación Creadora y Semiología de la Expresión Arno Stern: aprendí la potencia de la memoria y los recuerdos en la formulación del juego de pintar sin inhibiciones, sin pretensiones, sin competición y con la pasión de hacer lo que se quiere sin esperar nada a cambio.

I am an instructor of Mindfulness for Children and Youth and Compassion Eline Snel, Academie voor Mindful Teaching (Holanda).
Especialista en Bioenergética.

Professional career
I am currently teaching in the Master of Gestalt Art Therapy Hephaisto, (Barcelona), in the speciality of Clinical and Trauma; and in the Master of Expressive Arts and Theater Therapy of Isep (Barcelona), in the speciality of Developmental Psychology and Trauma in Expressive Arts and in Psychodrama in the speciality of theatre therapy.
I am a teacher and coordinator of the Cycle of Expressive Arts applied to Systemic Trauma, in Barcelona.
I worked in various mental health centres where I was able to appreciate the importance and the weakness of psychic care. I had contact with people with ADD and personality disorders. I have also been able to accompany processes of death, accompanying people with cancer.

I teach and organise the Expressive Arts retreat applied to Systemic Trauma, which lasts four days, is held in Barcelona.
I do individual therapeutic accompaniment in Barcelona and Granollers (Espai de Psicologia i Mindfulness TEOS): aimed at children, adolescents, families and adults.