Ciclo de artes expresivas aplicadas al trauma sistémico

Theoretical and experiential path that accompanies the Cycles of Life

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What it consists of

This Cycle is based on a theoretical and experiential journey that accompanies the Cycles of life, in order to experience and project an accompaniment of self-maternization that helps to revitalize our experiences in the future. This process of recapitulation is condensed in the Annual Cycle of Expressive Arts applied to Systemic Trauma. 

The training is structured through a theoretical and practical Cycle divided into four stages. Each stage belongs to a vital process in the life of a person. Each stage is composed of 3 theoretical experiential workshops of 4 hours and an online integration session. 

Through each experience, we will elaborate and learn about the origin and effects of transgenerational trauma and developmental trauma, organizing the story of our life history and thus being able to channel and manage the different emotions that condition our life unconsciously.

La idea es aportar conocimientos y experiencia desde un punto de vista neurobiológico y mediante un enfoque sistémico para la mejor comprensión del trauma de desarrollo, complejo, sistémico y transgeneracional. Ponemos foco en la attachment theory of John Bowlby. This relates the implications of each attachment style in people's later life: how we construct ourselves, what our behaviours are and how they influence intimate relationships.

You will learn to understand processes such as post-traumatic stress, attachment perspectives, dissociation of the self, mentalization, and other concepts related to the embodiment of trauma such as polyvagal theory, sexual abuse, ATT and self-regulation. 

All these concepts will be framed in the different life processes, in order to have a better understanding and follow up of our process.

  • Expressive Arts.
  • The Sandbox.
  • Peter Levine's Somatics.
  • Body movement.
  • Bioenergetics.
  • Psychodrama. 
  • Creative spirituality.

This cycle is aimed at professionals in the clinical, therapeutic, educational, artistic and community fields. And to anyone who wishes to explore through personal work different expressive and corporal resources.

  • Healing trauma by first knowing where it comes from in order to be able to look at it.
  • Understand how we relate. Trauma needs safe relationships.
  • Learn how it affects our nervous system, understand how it carries our wounds, how it reacts in our daily lives.
  • Gain awareness and learn to relate to our life experience.
  • Experiencing practices that help us to know ourselves and self-regulate. 
  • Understand how our transgenerational history is affecting our current life history.
  • How perinatal experiences affect.
  • How trauma organizes our brain architecture affecting all areas of functioning: relationships, performance, social life.
  • Explore personal resources to recover the personal areas that we had denied from our consciousness.

(14 HOURS)


8 de octubre. Genograma Familiar. 

5 de noviembre. Trauma Prénatal, Bienvenida y Trauma de Nacimiento.

3 de diciembre. Trauma de Apego.

10 de diciembre (sesión online de integración).

(14 HOURS)


14 de enero. Infancia y Juego.

11 febrero. La Herida. 

11 de marzo. Parentalidad y Autorregulación. 

18 de marzo (sesión online de integración).

(14 HOURS)


8 de abril. Pubertad y adolescencia.

6 de mayo. Sexualidad y adolescencia.

3 de junio. Trauma de Abandono.

10 de junio (sesión online de integración).

(12 HOURS)


1 de junio. Autorregulación.

15 de julio. Cuerpo y Compasión.

29 de julio. Último taller vivencial e integración. Proyección Vital.

From 17:00 to 21:00 one Tuesday a month.

 HEPHAISTO Calle Rogent 33, 2ª. Barcelona

  • Matrícula: 60€ 
  • Opción pago mensual (taller):75€.           
  • Opción pago por etapa: 210€. (3 talleres (4 horas cada uno, teórico experienciales)+SESIÓN INTEGRACIÓN ONLINE+MATERIAL TEÓRICO).                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

«This course reveals the infinite richness of healing through sharing suffering with the other and expressing with the body where words could not reach.

Each workshop has been very enriching, hard, to keep discovering unhealed issues but with enthusiasm to put into practice the tools that Nuria has provided us with. All the workshops have been carried out in a safe environment, with incredible colleagues and one of the best guides we could have, Nuria Molina".

Elisabeth Gómez. Head of Personnel
