THE INVISIBLE THREAD: Transgenerational Healing Retreat
THE INVISIBLE THREAD: Transgenerational Healing Retreat
This retreat will connect you with issues related to your personal evolution in relation to your transgenerational history, conception, birth, childhood... We follow the track of life energy that runs through the process of human development. We seek, each one in his or her own particular way, to build the bridge to the consciousness of what may have led a person to go through and live a traumatic process.
We propose a connection between your ancestral memory and your present moment, a space where you can connect with the intimate desire with which you give meaning to your life, from the support of a biological base, to an ancestral memory.
That is why our proposal has a lot to do with the encounter between the symbolic and the biological, between the ancestral and today, between depth and present sensory experience, between art and therapy, between humanism, art and neurobiology.
Specifically, in this residential workshop we put the focus on the whole transgenerational process, on the beginning of our life process, on the exact moment when the ancestral memory finds its course to become/becomes your body.
What do we propose?
We propose to create an intimate and creative space where you can follow and re-follow a Thread of Memory that deeply connects the story of your ancestral lineage with your experience of your life.
This space will offer you the opportunity to find the real meaning of being connected to this energy today.
Following the Thread means listening to the real voice of what your Ancestors want to tell you, feeling their support, strength and gratitude for taking the baton of their great and beautiful legacy.
Following the Thread is also an opportunity to recognise how an ancestral history is transmitted from generation to generation through biology, with the body as the basis and support of that transmission.
And, above all, following the thread means going through the meaning of this story through a sensory experience and awareness that will lead you to feel in your body the intimate relationship with life: what you want, what you desire, with what intimacy you relate to what you desire, with what tension .......
Following the Thread is an invitation to follow and trace a body memory that connects your personal history of today with that of your Ancestors.
We believe that our culture is already prepared to draw from an experience that is biologically transmitted from generation to generation and that connects an ancestral memory with the current experience you have of yourself.
What once seemed like magical thinking is now supported by biological reality.
That is why our proposal will have a lot to do with the symbolic and the biological, the ancestral and today, with the depth of experience and the present and sensorial bodily experience.
We would like to be able to offer you an intimate approach to what you desire for yourself in your life and to feel that you have the support of a biology that is sustained/supported/supported by an ancestral memory to follow that intimate desire.
Our aim/purpose is that you feel the regulating base on which you rely to find the intimate desire that unites you to life, that you have the biological base that helps you to connect with the intimate desire with which you give meaning to your life.

More information
Who are we?
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Muñoz
Psychotherapist, creator of Encountering the Self
I trained in Family Constellations and did precious work with Abel Millot and Marie Noël Federici. Life, the present, truth, beauty, goodness, consciousness, clarity, transformation.
A precious discovery about the mental, the ego formation and the I Am with a Swami coincided at that time. I learnt and integrated about feminine-masculine, the integration of masculinity that I did with Mark Joseph, the love of the Heart of Man, the love that sustains, gives form, consciousness, stability... Trained in child therapy through the valuable vision of Gestalt and also Play Therapy following Jungian principles.
During my years of parenthood and as a teacher, the anthroposophy of Waldorf education immersed me in a precious insight into the soul of the child and the human being. I feel fortunate to have felt close to their sensitivity and beauty.
For the last 15 years I have been accompanying individuals and groups, deepening emotional wounds through sensitivity and acceptance.
Núria Molina Molina
Expressive Arts Therapist and Teacher, Systemic Trauma Therapist
Art has always been my means of expression. Looking back, I feel that in my childhood I was able to experience that through art I was able to connect and express my feelings, emotions and ideas, it was my way of relating to the world. This relationship with art led me to an internal search integrating more languages, such as Transdisciplinary Art Therapy, Psychodrama, Mindfulness and Sensory theatre. I graduated in Systemic Traumatherapy with the neuropsychiatrist Jorge Barudy and learned about body language through bioenergetics and somatics.
I teach in the Master of Art Therapy Gestalt Hephaisto, (Barcelona), in the speciality of Clinical and Trauma and in the Master of Expressive Arts and Theatre Therapy of Isep (Barcelona), in the speciality of Developmental Psychology and Trauma in Expressive Arts and in Psychodrama in the speciality of theatre therapy.
I am a teacher and coordinator of the AEATS Cycle in Barcelona. I teach and organise the AEATS retreat. I do individual therapeutic accompaniment in Barcelona and Granollers.
How will we do it?
We propose a work through different disciplines that are part of our professional trajectory. From FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS, work from the neurobiological basis of SYSTEMIC TRAUMATHERAPY, CONSCIOUS BREATHING, EXPRESSIVE ARTS, MEDITATION SPACES, body work through BIOENERGETICS and SOMATICS.
Entrance at 16:00h until 20:30h.
Morning - 10:00 to 14:00h (4 hours)
Lunch - 14:00 to 16:00h
Afternoon - 16:00 to 20:30h (4,30 hours)
Morning - 10:00 to 14:00h (4 hours)
Lunch - 14:00 to 16:00h
Departure at 17:00h
Registration and payments
The full price of the retreat (including accommodation and meals) is €450.
To make a reservation, you need to fill in this form and make a transfer of 50€ and a proof of payment to the account and email shown in the link.